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Eight signs of depression

Eight signs of depression

Are you struggling with depression?
Eight signs of depression that needs more attention

Depression is sometimes referred to as the psychological flu because most people experience mood swings throughout their lives, which include periods of severe tiredness, extreme sadness, and disruption of daily life behaviors.
It should be noted that unhappiness or casual periods of sadness do not necessarily mean depression. Various events such as love failure, loss of a loved one, or job and professional failures can be accompanied by periods of mourning and unhappiness. In such cases, receiving professional help and proper management of such crises will prevent depression. There are eight Signs of depression explained along with some questions in each section. If your answer is positive to most of these questions you may consider consulting with professionals.

Seasonal depression

Seasonal depression

SAD is a type of depression that occurs with the change of seasons. This depression usually starts in the beginning of autumn and gets worse during the winter and ends with the beginning of spring. In terms of prevalence, the disease is more common in women than men, but the cause of this difference is still unknown.

Gestalt therapy: Empty chair technique

Gestalt therapy: Empty chair technique

The word gestalt means a coherent whole that is understood to be more important than its components. In fact, Gestalt therapy focuses on you in the present moment and considers your relationship with the environment and others as part of you. In this treatment, instead of finding the root of your problems in the past or worrying about the future, it focuses on the present and solves it in the moment and now! This technique helps you find your value, face your emotions and take responsibility for your life!

Existential Crisis

There are crucial moments in life when people must make decisions that not only affect their life and future, but also the life of their loved ones and even the future of humanity These crucial moments of decision making are called kairos in existential psychology....

Spiritual Challenges

Spiritual emergence is considered an ordinary process of human improvement that is above mundane feelings and needs of the personal ego into the transpersonal states of expanding connection to a Higher Power, or God. It is an adjustment to more imperceptible levels of...

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