There are crucial moments in life when people must make decisions that not only affect their life and future, but also the life of their loved ones and even the future of humanity These crucial moments of decision making are called kairos in existential psychology.
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It should be noted that it is absolutely natural to seek meaning and purpose of being on the other hand experiencing an existential crisis can occur when no answer can be found, which can lead to inner personal conflicts, disappointment, and lack of enjoyment from within.
There is a possibility that it can cause anxiety and depression
Types of o Existential Crisis:
 Marriage
 Immigration
 Losing jobs
 Major conflicts
 Having a child
 freedom and responsibility
 death and mortality
 isolation and connectedness
 meaning and meaninglessness
 emotion, experiences, and embodiment
In order to find an answer to this question, there are some self-help methods that can be useful such as replacing negative thoughts with pessimistic ones, writing a journal, or being realistic about expectations.
It should be considered seriously if the crisis worsens, lingers, or leads to suicidal thoughts, in these situations counseling with a therapist should be considered.,,

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