Depression is known as psychological flu because most people experience it at some part in their life. Deep sadness, excessive fatigue, agitation, psychomotor retardation, morbid thoughts, lack of joy in usual activities, and interest in daily life are the most common symptoms of depression. In the severe condition it leads to suicidal ideations, and suicide; it can be avoided and healed if received professional intervention.

• More about Depression:
It should be noted that unhappiness or natural periods of sadness do not necessarily mean depression. Various events such as love failure, loss of a loved one, or job and professional failures can be accompanied by periods of mourning and unhappiness. In such cases, receiving professional help and proper management of such crises will prevent depression.

o (Types of ) Depressive and Bipolar Disorders include, but are not limited to:
 Major Depression
 Disruptive Mood Dysregulation
 Dysthymia
 Premenstrual Dysphoria
 Substance-Induced Depression
 Bipolar Disorder
 Cyclothymic Disorder
o Effects
Physical symptoms such as loss or increase of appetite, weight loss, or weight gain can be some effects of short-term depression. Furthermore, developing insomnia or hypersomnia will cause fatigue and lethargy.
Consequences of long-term depression can be experiencing malnutrition from not eating enough or becoming obese from eating too much, it can also lead to suicide.
• Treatment
There are plenty of options for treating depression, but mainly it can be dealt with medications and psychotherapy or a combination of both. Since depression is one of the most responsive to treatment disorders, the earlier its treatment begins, the more effective it will be.
Even though the symptoms can improve with proper care, it is still essential for the client to be informed about the different choices they have and decide on the best one considering their condition.

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