Anxiety is a reaction to an imaginary future thread, and is usually related to the level of control we have over our environment and presents in an inner nervousness and uneasiness that can color thoughts and behaviors. Anxiety needs immediate attention and professional help and can be cured by psychotherapy.
 …. Includes and is not limited to, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder),
o More about anxiety:
Andrew Feldmar told me once if he wanted to explain what anxiety is to a Martian, who had no clue of the anxiety and never experienced it he would say “try to do something that is not in the ability of your muscular structure. He emphasized the fact that all anxiety is rooted in willfulness when a person cannot surrender to an unknown situation. People are not aware of the root of their anxiety and always have reasons, stories, and explanations, however, they can simply rescue themselves from their anxiety if they have insights into its cause. Anxiety is a fear response, a somatic alarm system, evolution has embedded in our body; the alarm system goes off when there is a life-threatening danger. As opposed to fear, which is an emotional response to an immediate threat, anxiety is a sense of predicting a thread. Hence the automatic reaction to the anxiety is seeking rescue by avoiding places, people, or activities that are related to our anxiety. Prior to DSM-5, obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD) was categorized as anxiety but now has its independent diagnostic criteria. OCD is a constant preoccupation with thoughts or actions to control the surrounding environment and avoid anxiety.
o Types,
 Separation Anxiety
 Phobia
 Panic
 Substance-Induced Anxiety
 Unspecified Anxiety
 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
• Body Dysmorphic Disorder
• Hoarding Disorders
• Hair Pulling Disorders
• Skin-Picking Disorders
• Substance-Induced OCD

o Effects
Anxiety has both short and long-term effects on our body and can lead to many somatic disorders, if not cured properly. Stress and anxiety are known as the major cause of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and psychosomatic problems. Short-term effects of anxiety are uneasiness, stomach butterfly, rumination irritation, lack of focus, vigilance, restlessness, and it may increase heart palpitation, increased blood pressure, upset stomach breathing problems, and dizziness when is severe. Anxiety causes fatigue for the constant activation of the sympathetic nervous system.

o Treatments
There are many therapeutic methods to treat anxiety, from talk therapy and medication to more in-depth techniques such as psychoanalysis and psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Nevertheless, all these methods should increase the client’s awareness of his situation, past experiences, and developmental arrests and eventually help them to relax in their difficulties.

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